Persuasive Speech Writing

Children Should/Shouldn’t Have a Mobile Phone above 16 Years Old?
(Hello, everyone! This is Tanjim. Peace and blessings be upon you. My topic is ‘Should children should use mobile phones above 16 years old?’ Thank you, sir, for selecting this topic.)
Attention Getter: Who doesn’t have a cell phone these days? Please, raise your voice. The amazing thing about cell phones is that they are no longer just used for calling or texting. They have become an indispensable multi-tool wonder. Today’s cell phone is cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With this in mind, should students under 16 years old be permitted to use cell phones?
Speaker Credibility: I believe they should not just be permitted to use cell phones, they should be required to use them. Cell phones don’t just allow students to stay connected with family and friends, they are also an excellent learning resource, and they encourage the responsible use of
technology. I have younger cousins who study in school and have a cell phone. And they used it to gain knowledge, watching educational videos from Robi-10minutes schools and the Udvash lecture series. It helps them to prepare their lessons and stay connected to new technology. Sometimes, they use cell phones to study Geography by using google map.
Listener Relevance: Do you know? In developed counties like the UK, the USA, Germany, the percentage of children using a cell phone are nearly 69%, surveyed by GSMA. Furthermore, 40% of US parents let their kids have their phones by the age of 10 as they believe, it will develop children’s mental growth. On the other side, some study says kids should be limited to using cell phones, but the younger School going boy should use it to communicate with parents, teachers, and gain knowledge from the new era of technology.
Thesis Statement: Cell phones should be allowed for students above 16 years old mainly for these three reasons. Stay in touch with family and friends, it is a fabulous learning resource, and it encourages the responsible use of technology.
To begin with, cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and friends. Imagine a child in the city with his/her parents. They have no mobile phone. Suddenly, they end up lost. They are alone in the vast, populated, extremely busy city, with no way of calling their parents for help. Imagine if that poor, helpless, lost child was you. How would you feel? How would your parents feel? Children can call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten assignment or lunch money or to come to pick them up if they are sick. Also, cell phones allow parents to keep track of their children’s whereabouts before, during, and after school. And, of course, there’s always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a dangerous situation. Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel. Children can also connect with friends, but not just because it’s a fun thing to do; the teacher can ask others to text or email their friends when they are absent to let them know what’s going on in class and to inform them of any homework. When used responsibly, a cell phone can be an excellent communication tool.
Also, cell phones – especially smartphones – are a fabulous learning resource. Children can use tools such as the calculator, the map finder, and the calendar and it will make them a good student. I’ve seen students used a cell phone in Maths and Geography and to keep track of homework. Nowadays, science teacher lets students use their smartphones to do research when they are doing group work or working on a project. For example, when they are studying ecology they can research local jobs having to do with protecting the environment. Plus there are lots of great learning websites – including essay-writing websites – they can use to supplement for self-learning. Cell phones are a quick and easy way to incorporate technology into the classroom.
Finally, cell phones encourage the responsible use of technology. Children can learn when and how to use their cell phones to enhance their learning. They will become more independent in their work and more motivated to learn. Children like being allowed to make choices, and they understand the consequences. In school, if a student is texting when he/she should be paying attention to the teacher, the teacher should take the cell phone temporarily away. That’s no big deal. Before a test, all cell phones should be placed on the teacher’s desk. Again, it’s no big deal. By allowing the use of cell phones, students will feel like they are being treated as responsible young adults, and they will appreciate that. If parents, teachers are patient, understanding, and consistent, children will surely become responsible users of technology.
To sum up, people who oppose the use of cell phones above 16 years old, do it because of the disruptions and distractions cell phones can cause. But we must accept that we live in a world of technology and that cell phones are an important and very useful part of that world. We miss out if we fail to take advantage of the educational power of the cell phone. All in all, cell phones improve communication, provide learning resources, and encourage appropriate use of technology. Teachers and administrators must find ways to incorporate this excellent multi-tool in our schools. New technologies emerged to improve our life quality, from the knowledge they can fulfill their designated purpose. As you’ve learned from this speech, it’s not that difficult. Let’s make the most of the day and age we are living in!